Will the success of the Wii affect Harvey Norman’s Share Price

admin —  March 21, 2007 — 1 Comment

Latest Wii news: Wii is outselling PS3 2 to 1 in the US.

Question for Australian readers: Harvey Norman, arguably Australia’s biggest retailer of computer + electrical goods doesn’t stock Nintendo’s Wii, not just the console but the games either. The mind boggles as to why, but knowing that the Wii is a huge success, indeed supply is still a massive issue where I live from people I’ve talked to, will Harvey Norman not stocking the Wii affect the bottom line and therefore its share price? OK, so folks in Sydney and Melbourne have a huge range of choice in terms of retailers, in Regional Western Australia we don’t, and Harvey Norman is the biggest local seller, and yet I can’t buy Wii games there, I have to go to Target, BigW or EB Games, and that’s time I may have spent in a Harvey Norman store, not only buying Wii titles but also walking past the variety of other goods Harvey Norman sells. It’s money I’m spending with Coles Myer and Woolworths and not Harvey Norman. The PS3 is due out this week for memory in Australia, nearly $1k for the base model, can’t see it being anything but a failure here as its been in the States. Harvey Norman won’t win selling PS3’s when the hottest console in town is the Wii. We get a Good Guys opening here next week, wonder if they stock Wii games? They’ll certainly be getting my business on a range of other goods 🙂