5 To 10 Days Until Cash Dries Up

September 24, 2008

Jim Cramer on MSNBC calls end of the world if the $700 billion bailout isn’t approved. (via Donklephant). Still, bailing out the industry doesn’t fix the problem, it prolongs it. No one wants a great depression, but likewise the concept of bailing out private enterprise from their own muck doesn’t sit right.

8 responses to 5 To 10 Days Until Cash Dries Up

  1. If I didn't have a family to take care of, I'd be welcoming the end with open arms. Debt and deficit spending can't continue on like this, and bail-outs are just another form of enabling the destructive behavior – when I say I'm for a hands off approach for government to business, I mean it. Any self-respecting and principled conservative would vote no on the bailout bill and let the market correct itself.

    Remember what our parents used to say? This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you.

    Same principal.

  2. Libertarians should be opposing this bail-out enmasse. It;s nothing but socialism for the rich. Let them collapse. Let them learn from their mistake. The burnt hand teaches the best.

  3. Wonder if I can declare bankruptcy and taxpayers will then come along and pay off my mortgage, pay off my car, pay off my other debts, and then I get off scot free…hrrmm yeh pretty sure they wont. Doubt it would be any different if I did it with one of my companies.

    So why the crap should the taxpayers have to bail out these greedy pricks who have mislead, lied, and screwed too many people over..

  4. Given the current political climate, I wonder what would happen should somebody challenge the congressional bailout in court. You think the supreme court would hear the case?

  5. Wonder if I can declare bankruptcy and taxpayers will then come along and pay off my mortgage, pay off my car, pay off my other debts, and then I get off scot free…hrrmm yeh pretty sure they wont. Doubt it would be any different if I did it with one of my companies.

    So why the crap should the taxpayers have to bail out these greedy pricks who have mislead, lied, and screwed too many people over..

  6. Given the current political climate, I wonder what would happen should somebody challenge the congressional bailout in court. You think the supreme court would hear the case?

  7. Wonder if I can declare bankruptcy and taxpayers will then come along and pay off my mortgage, pay off my car, pay off my other debts, and then I get off scot free…hrrmm yeh pretty sure they wont. Doubt it would be any different if I did it with one of my companies.

    So why the crap should the taxpayers have to bail out these greedy pricks who have mislead, lied, and screwed too many people over..

  8. Given the current political climate, I wonder what would happen should somebody challenge the congressional bailout in court. You think the supreme court would hear the case?