Acer Vista Scam?

April 4, 2007

It’s April and I’m still waiting for my free Vista upgrade from Acer, sent the proof off two months ago, nothing back, rung, they told me to send an email, sent email, no response. Has Acer in Australia run a scam here? time to call DOCEP or the ACCC maybe? Hopefully someone from Acer in Australia scans blog posts and can fix this.


UPDATE Just received a call directly from Acer Australia (1pm AWST), less that 4 hours after the post. Highly apologetic and CD is on its way…they are also going to investigate the whys on the matter as well, apparently the offer was being provisioned by a 3rd party, and yet they apologised none the less and took full responsibility. Brilliant Customer Service and a refreshing attitude for a company operating in Australia. As I said to the chap, love the laptop but bought it when I did because of the Vista offer otherwise I would have held off. Hopefully Vista will be here shortly, but kudos again to Acer for the call.

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3 responses to Acer Vista Scam?

  1. I honestly wonder if they would even have noticed if it were a small little unknown blogger and not a professional and popular blogger.

  2. With RSS, Technorati, etc. they may well have noticed the post – most companies track what’s being written about them – but whether they’d have responded to a less read blogger is debatable.

  3. It would be nice of more businesses and companies scan RSS Feeds and search for their name in blog posts to better help improve their customer service.

    I wonder if they are just a fan or subscriber of Duncan Riley? Or … mentioning “Acer” and “Scam” in the same sentence helps speed up the cause?