Anthony Callea is gay, now there’s a surpise (not)

March 27, 2007

NineMSN: Anthony Callea admits he’s gay

Australia’s Clay Aitken. Will the front page of The West read “Callea Gay Shock” tomorrow? unlikely, more like “Another Eagle caught taking drugs”, but expect a line in the Entertainment Section.

3 responses to Anthony Callea is gay, now there’s a surpise (not)

  1. what is it with your eagles and drug taking. 🙂

  2. It’s living in Western Australia, they have to numb the pain 🙂

  3. Ah c’mon, it ain’t that bad … I’ve been to Perth a few times in my …. um, yeah. Okay you’re right – I guess the sunny weather, the beaches, fishing – but apart from that I need numbing too. 😉

    Actually, I’ll be in Perth for a few days in September – stop over going to Mauritius – I’ll go numb-free this time and see how I like it. 🙂