Apparently is being confused for Roger David

January 11, 2013

The alternative title was going to be “this guy is a f&*kstick” but I try to keep the blog PG 🙂

2 points:

  • you don’t need “authorization” under Australian law to give away tickets…unless it’s a game of chance, then you need registration in some states…noting though that you still don’t need “authorisation” from the company offering the tickets. The use of logos etc is still subject to copyright law, but the use of the name is not as it’s a factual statement.
  • this guy seems to think that is Roger David and that somehow us linking to a perfectly legal competition is us running it. He clearly either hasn’t read the site and this is automated, or he is retarded.

While a more formal cease and desist can certainly be sent, I am hopeful that will not be necessary and that you will voluntarily comply with the following request:

The Roger David Coachella ticket giveaway is unauthorized, violates the terms of sale for festival passes, and violates our trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property rights.

Please remove ALL references to “Coachella” and the Roger David ticket promotion from your promotional emails, flyers, and from any other locations on your blog, website, facebook, twitter, and other social networking accounts.

Please confirm that the requested changes to your promotional materials have been made.

Many thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

Jason Bernstein
Associate Counsel
AEG Live
5750 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 501
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel:  323-930-7155
Fax: 323-930-5785