launches Blog Search

June 1, 2006

TechChrunch reports on the launch of’s new Blog Search facility, which is a spin off from its popular Bloglines service.

Of course Bloglines has always had a blog search facility, it just wasn’t very flash.

I’ve had a bit of an initial tinker with the site, and I’ve got to say, I’m totally NOT impressed. The blog search results are generally several days old, and although it presents them quickly, a quick comparative search of common keywords (including, naturally my own name) showed far better results at Technorati, and Gnoos. Of course any new service takes time to get off the ground, but with the wealth, and depth of indexing they have at Bloglines, I guess I would have expected a bit better for their initial launch.


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  1. Make You Go Hmm: » So blog vain, you probably think this new Ask search is about you - June 1, 2006

    […] Others are saying PR guy Steve Rubel thinks it is “unimpressive” and leaves him “largely cold” citing an “ipod” search that doesn’t return what he was expecting and features he wish it had. Former Blog Herald top banana Duncan Reily is also unimpressed: “The blog search results are generally several days old, and although it presents them quickly, a quick comparative search of common keywords (including, naturally my own name) showed far better results at Technorati.” Riley also mentions a blog search service from Australia I wasn’t familiar with called gnoos. Library clips: “The relevancy is based on subscriber numbers (so anything you write may be relevant to the search term by default, as you have lots of subscribers).” Google Blogoscoped: “It?ɬ¢?¢‚Äö¬¨?¢‚Äû¬¢s hard to test indexing depth, but a quick comparison with Google Blog Search and Technorati shows Ask can hold up.” TechCrunch (already linked above): “There is a big need for the equivalent of Google Page Rank for blog search relevance. Link analysis on a post just doesn?ɬ¢?¢‚Äö¬¨?¢‚Äû¬¢t work – the content is too fresh to develop meaningful link analysis results.” Tim Finn: “Bloglines knows how many subscribers each feed has and you can filter the results by requiring that each one have one, two or many subscribers … We think Bloglines is a great service and their enhanced search system makes it even better.” SearchViews: “… at the very least Ask’s blog search is trying out unique ways to reduce junk results (we’re looking at you, Google) and determine relevance – even if all the kinks aren’t worked out on day one.” […]

  2. Chrono Tron >> World Wide Weblog - August 9, 2006

    The battle of the Neo Blog Search Engines…

    As the blogosphere’s moving up at mach speed, one market, which had fantastic potential was not really tapped by entrepreneurs. Until sometime ago, the market was dominated by Technorati, Google Blog Search and Icerocket, with Technorati being th…