California Here I come

June 28, 2007

Some good news and something I never imagined happening when I attended the last TechCrunch party in New York last November; at this stage I will be attending the next TechCrunch party at August Capital at Menlo Park, California July 27. I’ve never been to the West Coast before (no slings and arrows please) so I’m looking forward to it, obviously from the opportunity of networking as well as actually seeing what the hype is about. Will be great to meet a lot of the people I’ve corresponded with , people like Brian Solis and others. I should be on the ground for around a week, given I’m likely staying at Michael Arringtons house my only request is that people don’t try to pitch their startups at first light, but aside from that I will be some-what available 🙂

3 responses to California Here I come

  1. whoa cool dude! good that your staying with us too.. cya then

  2. Good luck in Cali Duncan, it should be a blast!

  3. Have a good time. I’ve spent a few months in Cali (also as an outsider) and had a blast. It’s a crazy place, but you quickly get to love it and want to go back again and again.. (watch out for that, it gets expensive..)