Considering Las Vegas

March 17, 2008

I’ve been back from Las Vegas a week to the day, and its probably taken me as long to recover, not so much from Vegas but the insane flight home.

So was it good?

We’ll lets start on the negative side. The glamorous side of Vegas is a bit of a marketing gimmick. Vegas is actually full of old, fat Americans. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not what the brouchures tell you 🙂

The town itself is like Disneyland for Adults. The casino’s are full on, although for example the casino at the Venitian where I stayed was smaller than most Casino’s in Australia. The difference of course is that there are heaps and heap of casinos. To get from A to B in a hotel you have to walk through the casino itself, which makes gambling rather tempting.

Architecture was kick ass, although I don’t think I got a lot of great shots; I’m starting to think that I’m a better at event/ people photography than objects. See my Flickr shots here, or the Mix shots on Flickr here.

I was up on the electronic machines, to the point I could here “Wheel of Fortune” in my dreams, but lost playing Poker for an overall loss for the week. The thing is though: I don’t care. It was worth every penny. Until this trip I’d never played poker in a casino before, always for fun or online for money. It was freaking awesome. I could have walked away one day $500 up, but instead I just kept going and going because it was that addictive. Best fun I’ve had in a long time. Poker also attracts characters as well in the US, and I saw my fair share, from the serious types with hats and sunglasses, to the crazy guys, the drunk guys, the traveling salesmen, they all had a story.

4 responses to Considering Las Vegas

  1. the diff. between an amateur photographer – and a professional: the camera

    with a good camera, you can’t go wrong – because all your shots look good.
    but with a mediorcre camera…you Need to capture the right moment of light, steadyness etc etc

    Las Vegas is a devil town, it lures you with lights, sounds, women, alcohol, big buildings, endless buffets – and what have you…

    but leaves you with an empty wallets.

  2. I’ve got a Panasonic Sub DSLR with 10mgpx and 12x optical zoom etc, great camera honest 🙂 All the shots look good, it’s just that the outdoor shots didn’t engage me where as the Mix keynote shots on the same camera did. The problem for my way of thinking with the outdoor shots is that there was just so much ambient visual noise, for example a shot of a towers outside the venitian was spoilt by the background noise. Perhaps a DSLR with appropriate filter would have been able to filter that out…..

  3. Sure, I just say blog nice things about you and you go off on ‘old fat Americans’. You forgot to mention us old skinny (and short) Americans! 🙂

  4. One of these days I want to go to Pubcon in Vegas.