Cool, I’m in Hindi

July 17, 2008


Apparently the quote from this aritcle says “Compared to Twitter Plurk seems to appeal more to non-tech inclined people.” The English version is still being worked on, but I gave a fairly comprehensive interview on Twitter and Plurk. Also in the article (and some of these names are familiar to me, top names from the Indian blogging scene) Gaurav Mishra of Gauravanomics, Patrix (Desipundit) and the author of the article is Debashish Chakrabarty (known as the founder of Indibloggies). I’m sure I’ve covered Indibloggies before, they were the first Indian blogging awards, and they always find some amazing sites.

6 responses to Cool, I’m in Hindi

  1. LOL!
    It's sooo weird to see 'Twitter' and 'Plurk' spelt in the Hindi alphabet!

  2. Goodness Gracious Me!

  3. you must be the whitest-looking Hindi person there is

  4. nikhilnarayanan July 21, 2008 at 7:01 am

    Congrats! You have reached out to a wide audience via this.


  5. nikhilnarayanan July 21, 2008 at 9:01 am

    Congrats! You have reached out to a wide audience via this.


  6. nikhilnarayanan July 21, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    Congrats! You have reached out to a wide audience via this.
