eBay to provide blogs?

June 3, 2006

Makes sense really, massive user base, many non-blogging users. Steve Rubel reports that eBay is to launch user blogs powered by SixApart’s TypePad. I’m not aware of any great success from other ecommerce firms in providing blogs to users, but if anyone is going to do it, it will be eBay.

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3 responses to eBay to provide blogs?

  1. Great job guys… Thank for you work…

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  1. Emerging Earth - June 3, 2006

    eBay Teams up with SixApart to offer Blogging…

    eBay is hitting the blogging ground running by offering blogs to its sellers. The blogs will be powered by TypePad from Sixapart, the makers of Movable Type.
    Steve Rubel does some digging.
    By launching blogs and wikis, eBay is taking a big step to pus…

  2. Emerging Earth - emerging technologies and why we care - June 3, 2006

    […] More from Duncan Riley. June 2nd 2006 | Permalink | No Comments » […]