Fairfax Has a SEO Team

August 31, 2007

This weeks SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday is an interview with Lucas Ng, who does in house SEO for Fairfax Digital. Cool in some respects that Australian online players are now employing SEO talent to maximize their search engine rankings and position.

Aside from the cliches (f*ck Rand, have you never met an Australian before?!?! do you even know where it is?) it’s not a bad interview.

One response to Fairfax Has a SEO Team

  1. They’ve had in house SEOs for a few years. Tim Macdonald, the guy who started Found Agency did the SEO makeover of the main Fairfax Digital titles 3+ years back while he was working there then saw the traffic jump so set up his own agency using his results at SMH and The Age to get other big name clients.