Google Blog Maximises The Cringe

admin —  July 10, 2007 — 4 Comments

Bloggin’ down under: the official Google Blog.

OMFG. This post followed the Postini announcement. Could the cliche’s be any thicker and the content more curdling. It’s hard enough having Americans tell you how much they love your accent and thinking that you’ve got a bloody great big knife in your pocket without having the worlds biggest search engine add to the stereotypes.

As for it being NAIDOC week on Google Australia, I didn’t notice because I’m too busy using still hasn’t been updated to include the latest UI changes, the ones that allow an easy switch to other Google search services such as Google Blogs. Perhaps the Google Australia team should spend less time with the logos and dicky posts, and more time with the UI. And BTW, Google Maps may have started in Australia, but the imagery still sucks and is in many cases years out of date, my house is still a vacant block despite the pad going down 3 years ago October, and if I use the mapping feature to get out of the estate I’d run straight into a mound of dirt. Please explain! 🙂