Google’s Blogger now supporting your own URL

January 8, 2007

This is big news! It’s fair to say that its taken long enough, but at long last Blogger supports private URL’s, beyond the previous abilities to use your own URL for posting but hosting it elsewhere, but to use it with Blogger (or Google as the case may be) as the host. The quote from Blogger via Steve Garfield:

“Blogger added a new feature: Bring your own domain. All you have to do is buy a domain, anywhere, at any price you can find, set up your Blogger account and point your DNS at Google?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s server at, and viola*! Now your Blogger blog appears at its own domain name, and all you had to do was pay less than ten bucks a year for the domain. You don?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t need hosting, because Blogger handles all the traffic, you just bring the domain.”

Good stuff.


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4 responses to Google’s Blogger now supporting your own URL

  1. I will pick up the tabs for 20 users if they ping me via my contact form.

  2. am getting 500 internal server error messages from blogspot blogs this moment. argh.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Now You Can Use Your Own Domain With Blogger | Content Writing and CopyWriting Blog - January 9, 2007

    […] Source: first this; then this; then this and finally this 🙂 Technorati Tags: blogger, blogger domain, host blogger, blogger hosting   […]

  2. Blogger now supports your own domain at Blogging Blog - January 9, 2007

    […] If you’re a Blogger user that wants their own domain, but hasn’t made the move yet due to hosting costs, now you have no worries. Pony up the $10 or less per year for a domain, and Blogger will provide free hosting. If you’re a non tech-head and want easy blogging, with your own domain, Blogger is probably the easiest choice for today. Via Duncan Riley. […]