I make my debut in the NSW Election Campaign

February 22, 2007

I accidently stumbled onto NSW Premier Morris Iemma’s faux-blog today at News.com.au, and read a whole pile of irrelevant rubbish about Nick Grenier helping the Debham campaign (Greiner was a pretty good Premier but as a former Liberal Party Member I always saw Fahey as the pathetic disaster in Macquarie Street, but that’s another story)…anyhow looks like I was first to the scene, and fresh from reading yet another horror story about Sydney transport (I did 3 years of commuting from Miranda to Martin Place in my younger days) I asked a simple question:

That?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s all very well and good Premier, but will you fix the trains?

That was about 11am WST today. I was all set to write that the blog was a joke, I’d refreshed the page a number of times and yet the comment count continued to read “0” and then this:


teleHe may admit to the problems, but hasn’t Labor had 12 years to fix the issues? mind you, in fairness the trains weren’t exactly perfect under Fahey, Greiner, Unsworth or Swifty Neville Wran either, and if you go back to Askin he was probably selling trains with cash delivered under his table in a brown envelope. Given I’ve not been on the electoral roll in New South Wales since 1996, I’ll leave it up to the voters of my home state to decide, I’ve made my contribution 🙂


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2 responses to I make my debut in the NSW Election Campaign

  1. You’re the blogosphere’s answer to Quentin Dempster!

  2. Didn’t Quentin Dempster die?

    Check out the next comment on the blog, looks like the Premiers office has the approval button and only comments critical of the Libs are getting through. Seriously, I don’t live there any more but if the best he can come up with is “Debham is taking advice for Greiner, that’s really bad so you shouldn’t vote for him” I’d be voting Liberal…or anyone other than the ALP. Playing the man is grubby politics and the electorate is smart enough to see through it…indeed it reaks of desperation.