I need to be more selfish

October 25, 2013



One of the biggest failings in my life, personally, in business and even in a gig, is that I’ve been way to trusting.

The reality is that over and over again I get screwed for being so trusting.

I should theoretically be in Melbourne as I write this; I’m not. I’m in Chiang Mai.

I’d paid to go home to Melbourne but got bailed on at the 11th hour. So be it.

But I can say it’s not the first time I’ve been deceived either. Sort of the story of my life.

I’d booked to see a Stephen Fry and Kevin Smith maybe 3-4 years ago..and go bailed on in the end…I still went though 🙂

There’s more behind that, but I won’t carry on.

But I will say this: never trust a woman when it comes to promises, even if you are married.



3 responses to I need to be more selfish

  1. Why, because you have to think of their own.


  2. Really, you just go live carefree comfort. People who do not have a bit selfish of me. It is important that selfishness can find out how and to whom alone.


  3. Ah Duncan, I wish i could be more trusting. I have the total opposite problem… I can never trust anyone. I believe I will never be able to trust anyone with regards to a relationship… forever alone too right! Chang Mi sounds lovely 🙂