It’s Alive

April 14, 2008

I still haven’t settled on the exact format, and I’m going to mix it up, but thought I should at least come out swinging a little.

Visuals on Ustream aren’t great once you download the thing then syndicate them out, might switch to quicktime or even my video camera instead of sticking with a recorded live stream,?Ǭ† we’ll see how things go. This is still an experiment at this stage, some where along the line something might work well 🙂

2 responses to It’s Alive

  1. I’d rather use – they have much better video quality as well as giving you a direct link to embed as an enclosure in your feed.

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  1. Duncan Riley Does Online Video : The Blog Herald - April 14, 2008

    […] Riley, the original founder and editor of The Blog Herald, and now a regular on TechCrunch, have decided to dabble in online video. Yesterday he said it was coming soon, and soon is actually today. He starts out by asking […]