Joel Comm and Eric Holmlund define irony.

July 6, 2006

In case people hadn’t noticed I was forced to take down a couple of posts in relation to Joel Comm and Eric Holmlund’s Adsense spam program…basically our hosts are weak and gutless…but I’ll leave that till another day. But talking of ripoffs, it looks like Joel Comm and Eric Holmlund are in deep, deep trouble, because Instant Adsense Templates is apparently a ripoff of another program! I kid you not, and not only are lawyers taking action on this one, rumour has it that anyone who buys the templates and uses them may get sued as well because basically they don’t belong to Joel and Eric…from

Violation of Terms and Conditions of

DO NOT BUY from Joel Comm and Eric
Holmlund. has violated our Terms and Conditions
by bundling the products of and reselling
them to the public. This is in direct competition of and its members and had violated the
membership terms and conditions.

As a valued subscriber we would like to protect your interests and
have contacted them to immediately cease and desist. We have
already contacted our attorney. Contingent on their response, we
will take legal action.

To Your Success,
Michael and Anthony

How did the song go?…oh the karma’s going to get you…. 🙂


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10 responses to Joel Comm and Eric Holmlund define irony.

  1. This just gets better and better…

    I wonder how Dreamhost will cope if I’m told to take my posts down… Perhaps I’ll backup my database just in case…

    I guess it’s good that they might have to stop pedalling their filth across the web, but if that is the case then surely it’s just removing one company to allow another to do the exact same thing, but more of it…

    It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out…

    You think you’ll be able to put your posts back up now that the things you’ve said have been given a little more weight?

  2. When you see statements like this, it has got to make you wonder:

    “this package really IS so good that we don’t need a guarantee anyway.”

  3. Awww .. I was fascinated following you down the white rabbit hole .. you were forced to remove those posts? Pity.

  4. Hi Duncan,

    I am new to Adsense and was so taken up by Instant Adsense Templates that I purchased one and am about to upload it as it came because the content is good and I do not see the need to amend or rewrite it at the moment.I would probably add a few pages with content of my own later.What do you suggest I do with all this talk of even the customers being sued.
    Thought I got a got deal as I was in the first 1000 at $197.
    Please help.

  5. He sold 1000 copies at $197 on day one, and on day 2 sold 1000 at $297.
    That’s some serious cash!

  6. That's outrageous. I thought “Christian Marketers” would have been a little more carful

  7. That's outrageous. I thought “Christian Marketers” would have been a little more carful

  8. That's outrageous. I thought “Christian Marketers” would have been a little more carful

  9. you do realize this is not even a website with anything on it but a blank word press blog as of todays date.

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  1. WorkBoxers - Making money online since 1891 .. - August 9, 2006

    […] Duncan Riley has already discussed Joel Comm steeping to a new low, but this is a doosy. […]