Know More Media adds 10 new sites

January 4, 2007

Congrats to the team at Know More Media on the addition of ten new blogs. These guys continue to grow with some great sites. I’d love to know what sort of figures they are doing now, out of personal interest only. Certainly business is a high paying vertical market to be in.


Correction: My congrats is about 52 weeks late as the press release is nearly a year old. Lucky KMM though for having 1 year old press releases appearing in Google News feeds today. Congrats anyway, be it 1 year late 🙂


6 responses to Know More Media adds 10 new sites

  1. That PR was from January 2006 🙂

    I have a lot of respect for those guys over there … according to their sitemeter link at the bottom of each site, it shows 24k uniques, 36k pageviews – just today. Pretty decent.

    PS.. did I mention that it’s nice to be able to click the header graphic and actually go to the front page? It is.

  2. Hey Duncan – you check the date on that press release. 😉

  3. Hey Hart – I see you got in first. 🙂

  4. Martin .. I’m not just a pretty face you know – I also click things .. lots of things .. like links in my bloglines 🙂

  5. My bad, I should have checked the date, weird thing though is it came up in one of my Google News, blog related feeds today.

  6. I’ve gotten my years mixed up before so no worries there, Duncan! Thanks for giving Know More Media a nice shout-out. We’re growing steadily and hope to expand quite a bit in 2007. I’ve been a full-time editor (translation: editor, promoter, techie, blogger, brainstormer, etc.) for Know More Media since it launched in December 2005. We see about a million page views a month now and have several thousand feed subscribers to our various blogs – at last count there were about 50-55 active blogs. Of course the page view itself is gradually becoming less important as a growth metric, but hopefully that gives a ballpark idea of where we’re at. Most of our blogs have relatively small audiences that are highly interested in a pretty focused topic, like real-time Web collaboration or communications within the health care industry.

    We’re somewhat similar to b5media, Creative Weblogging, Weblogs Inc., and other blog networks in that our basic business model is to offer content for free and make money via advertising that accompanies the content. What makes us a bit unique is our exclusive focus on niche business topics. We also have a nice payment model that rewards our bloggers per traffic as well as per post. Some of them decide to blog for free in exchange for promotion of their existing business. We also reward them for bringing advertisers to us.

    We like to think of ourselves as a publisher of business news and information rather than just “a blog network” – the distinction being that we’re trying to use whatever technology we can to help people get business news and insights. So this year you should see some different things from us besides blogs. For example, is a sort of mini-Digg that we recently started that focuses just on business-related articles.

    I’m currently blogging at and, as well as contributing once a week to We’d love to hear suggestions and feedback from anyone who reads this blog, as I’m sure this is a highly blog-savvy group. We’re always looking for potential advertisers and contributors.

    Here’s a master feed of all our posts to give you an idea of what we publish.

    Thanks for letting me take some time and space here, Duncan!