Latest 2web podcast with Markus Frind of Plenty of Fish

admin —  May 3, 2006 — 1 Comment

plentyoffishDespite the haze of the flu drugs I’ve started taking, and having my 3 year old running around the house with the same flu (isn’t it wonderful how your children love to share) I managed to participate in an interesting podcast this morning at 2web crew where Richard Giles and I interviewed Markus Frind, the chap behind the highly successful free dating site Plenty of Fish, who also makes about $10,000 USD a day from Adsense as well (well to be fair Richard did most of it…..).

Worthy of listening to if your in the blogging business and use Adsense.

He made one particularly interesting point right at the end. If you were starting up a site now, find something that others aren’t doing.

Another point in relation to the so-called Web 2.0 bubble, he said that he didn’t think there was an across the board bubble, only a bubble in VC funding….interesting.
