Public Service Announcement: Kangaroos and cars don’t mix

May 1, 2006

My new image is an important public service announcement, particularly to those who visit Australia for the first time. Kangaroo’s and cars don’t mix.

Me, I’m lucky, I’ve only destroyed a windscreen and side mirror thanks to local members of the Skippy gang. My Mrs, well she’s rolled a car before, and on another occasion she’s destroyed the undercarriage of another car.

All thanks to the evil that are Kangaroos.

Remember, if you see a Kangaroo, it’s dangerous!

9 responses to Public Service Announcement: Kangaroos and cars don’t mix

  1. I knew it!

    I have been a member of the Kangaroos are Evil believers club for years – LOL

  2. Aw c’mon Duncan, I’m a city boy … you know that every second overseas person I talk to thinks we have Kangaroos frolicking on every street corner – they get off the plane and expect to see em 🙂

    Now you’be built on that myth 🙂

  3. he he!

    And remember, you can even see them in the city on the freeway!!(one bashed into the side of a friends car. And Roe Hwy had a sign warning for them).
    My parents hit one once, on the way up to Perth from the southwest at 3am. The car broke, it wouldn’t start unlessed pushed down a hill.

    But it’s a myth really. Dropbears, now they are REALLY evil!!

  4. “every second overseas person I talk to thinks we have Kangaroos frolicking on every street corner – they get off the plane and expect to see em 🙂

    Really? Their not on every corner? Oh boo, I’d better call Quantas and try to get my ticket refunded…

  5. Very interesting post,Duncan. Some years ago I used to be in the postion of sending dozens of Yanks per year to vist a site we had in Woomera. They would fly into Adelaide and rent a car there for the journey out through ‘Roo country. As you are no doubt aware, rental car companies often offer vehicles with “‘Roo Bars” as an option, which my folks were always under strict instructions to use, no exceptions.

    Well my boss’s boss decided to take a trip one day and of course was not in the habit of taking advice from an underling like me. When he got to the rental agency a smiling clerk told him, “we have no cars with bars today, you don’t need them anyway, Australia isn’t overrun with kangaroos, you know.

    He made it 25 clicks before his rental Subaru was in the ditch, windscreen, both front wings and the radiator done for. Collison damage waiver insurance? Oh, he didn’t need that either, just a rip off by the rental companies.

    Wonder why he was upset when he returned to the US and I asked him how his trip had gone?

    Oh well

  6. True. This is an interesting post. Kangaroos are should not mix with cars. just my 2 cents

  7. True. This is an interesting post. Kangaroos are should not mix with cars. just my 2 cents

  8. True. This is an interesting post. Kangaroos are should not mix with cars. just my 2 cents

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  1. Emerging Earth - GoogleRoo - June 3, 2006

    […] Despite my Aussie friend Duncan’s opinion that Roos are pests, I quite like their cute furry faces. Perhaps this is my naive Americanism coming through and never having met a Roo I didn’t like (being that the only ones I’ve met are on the Discovery Channel). […]