Lesson learned: cheap doesn’t save you money

November 20, 2006

Just finished booking my accomodation in Toronto for tomorrow and thought I might share a little tip….cheap doesn’t save you money. In both Toronto this week and in NY, I looked to save money on the hotel…and ended up spending a whole pile extra on transport as a consequence…so much I would have been far better off just bitting the bullet and booking a more expensive hotel, indeed some of my transport stories I’ll be sharing as an old man to my grandkids in years to come. I’ve learnt the lesson now, and this time I’ll be staying in the heart of Toronto, no more Quality Airport East, or Howard Johnson Newarks for me. As I think I mentioned to Loren the other day, next time I’m back, I intend to be a millionaire (ok, wishful thinking, but you’ve got to aim for these things), and it won’t phase me, after all, when you’ve got champagne tastes on a beer budget it makes for an interesting time.

8 responses to Lesson learned: cheap doesn’t save you money

  1. I have a feeling you will be.

  2. You’re too much of a visionary and executioner not to be a millionaire.

  3. You’ll b a millionaire when you leave Toronto 🙂

  4. Millionaire? Why not – lesser people have managed it without inheritance or the lottery. 🙂

  5. Oh but it has to be in some proper currency like UK pounds 😉

  6. Andy
    Bugger UK pounds…I just miss the Aussie Dollar…that and not tipping. I never know when to tip, I got great service in Macy’s, but I didn’t know whether to tip or not…and then even how to do it and for how much. On the travel advice though, it’s a lesson very well learnt. Currently in the Ramada in Toronto, walking distance to town, and a nice joint as well, all for reasonable money….but will some one tell me when I’m suppose to tip???? I’ll have more to say on that when I get back, I respect that you tip people because they are generally on shit wages…but there’s something so wrong that they are on those wages to start with…remembering that the minimun wage in Australia now is nearly $15 AUD (roughly $12.20 USD). I really feel sorry for ppl here.

  7. If there’s a service charge in the receipt don’t tip. If there isn’t then think about tipping. If I am happy with the service I give a tip and if not forget it, I get every centavo from the change. For common people like us, 5 to 10 percent of the bill (exclude taxes) is more than enough, 20 percent are for celebrities earning millions.

    I am happy with the service when:
    1. If the waiter says it will be served in ten minutes I make sure its there otherwise I’ll call their attention. A minute later the tip is gone unless they come back with a smile and some sort of apology.
    2. If they refill my drinks before its empty then I’m cool.
    3. If the food arrives as he described (first time to order the food) it to be then I’m cool.
    4. other stuff…

  8. Ahh yeah but ?Ǭ£1m ~ AU$2.5m 🙂