Live Streaming Test

March 20, 2008

Now I finally have a half decent internet connection (it’s only half because it only delivers 11mb/800k not 24mb/1mb as advertised) it means I can stream video. Been playing with a few of the services and I’m just going to leave one running for a while each day and see what happens. First up is Justin.TV. Me sitting in front of a computer isn’t that exciting, but the music is great, least I think so 🙂 My hours only though, the lamp is out in the office so no empty chair streaming 🙂

4 responses to Live Streaming Test

  1. Hi Duncan,

    How’s your iPhone going? I got one this week. It’s fan-freakin-tastic. Here’s my review.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Bugs in Google Documents:Still in Beta, but is it better? « Mcneri’s Weblog - March 27, 2008

    […] not appear correctly when I uploaded my microsoft word document. This evening, Techcrunch’s Duncan Riley published an update that the toolbar is now looking more like Microsoft Office 2007. Read full […]

  2. Bugs in Google Documents:Still in Beta, but is it better? « Mcneri’s Weblog - March 28, 2008

    […] evening, Techcrunch’s Duncan Riley published an update that the toolbar is now looking more like Microsoft Office 2007. Read full […]

  3. Bugs in Google Documents:Still in Beta, but is it better? | Mcneri's Blog - May 17, 2008

    […] evening, Techcrunch’s Duncan Riley published an update that the toolbar is now looking more like Microsoft Office 2007. Read full […]