Megablocks beat Lego in court

admin —  November 18, 2005 — 7 Comments

Admission time here: as a kid I was a huge lego fan: I had an extensive lego railway and town, probably 10 sq metres of it atleast, and probably more, it actually took up a whole room in a house we once lived in. So as much as my son owns megablocks and lego, this sort of makes me sad, and yet happy at the same time, given that lego has lost the plot from what I can see. Read here. In the old days of lego you could build a town and buy a post office, a train station, hotel, etc, etc… today I don’t recognise lego, its Harry Potter and space stuff, none of the basic stuff from what I can see, and its all very, very complicated. The wonder of lego for me as a child was that I could get pieces to build a town of practical items. I could drive the cars around on the Lego Road maps (which all connected up) and on which you could put your lego buildings. It was magical, in a practical, real life sense. Today they’ve just seem to have lost the plot. One lego peice doesn’t fit with another in terms of theming any more. No wonder kids are buying megablocks.