Melbourne Tree Armagedon?

February 3, 2009


The photo doesn’t do it justice (hard while driving) but I noticed today that around Hawthorn, Canterbury and Camberwell that all the trees are dropping their leaves….in January, and not Autumn.

One of the best parts of living in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne is just how beautiful the streets are. In Autumn, the trees lining nearly every street drop their leaves, in spring they grow back. But if they’re dropping their leaves now, they wont be come autumn.

A quick search of Google shows that the trees may survive, and that in drought European trees can do this; but likewise, they also drop leaves before they die as well.

The solution of course is more water, but we aren’t getting more of that any time soon. It’s ironic really to consider that water restrictions in WA are less severe than Victoria, and WA is the drier state with the lesser opportunities for dams and water capture.

6 responses to Melbourne Tree Armagedon?

  1. I live in teh leafy area of Elwood and right now the council boys are working like it's autumn. All the plane trees have dropped nearlytheir full load of leaves. It's incredible. Making for an even hotter February as there is now no shade on the roads nor houses.

  2. So wait so when exactly will the tress be dropping there leaves again this year? I still think it will be around autumn as usual sue to the cold weather.

  3. Hi good to see people aware of behavior of trees it's good that they have view's of the nature gift the trees. Please check as it gives tip's to save our greenery.

  4. Hi good to see people aware of behavior of trees it's good that they have view's of the nature gift the trees. Please check as it gives tip's to save our greenery.

  5. Hi good to see people aware of behavior of trees it's good that they have view's of the nature gift the trees. Please check as it gives tip's to save our greenery.

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  1. Autumn leaves in the middle of summer - February 5, 2009

    […] Age confirms what I observed the other day: THE leaves may be turning brown and falling, but it’s not an early […]