Microsoft Really Can Innovate

May 30, 2007

Microsoft Surface. It sort of reminds me a little bit of the old look down Pac Man arcade machines circa 1982 but it’s a lot more. The ability to recognise objects is unique and although I can’t see this being in every home (although it would make a cool coffee table) the retail possibilities are endless. How can a company like Microsoft that threatens Linux users over patents one day be so cool the next? Jekyl and Hide mentality maybe? That aside Microsoft really can innovate.

2 responses to Microsoft Really Can Innovate

  1. Holy Smokes! Actually, that is quite cool! I liked where you just place your camera on the table and all the pictures download. But .. did you watch that last video “Possibilities?” they place their credit cards on the table and *poof* … AHA! Now finally Microsoft figured out how to siphon, erm .. I mean upload people’s money directly from the credit card to them ..

  2. Hi Jim. Photos i received. Thanks