New toy, or why I shouldn’t be allowed to spend money :-)

March 8, 2006

It was cheap: Godlyreminders.

I was actually bidding on another site at Sitepoint from the same guy but missed it, and I’ve always wanted a link directory, if only to learn how they work. He dropped me a PM to see if I was interested.

Still haven’t really had any time to play with it yet. Needs a fresh coat of paint and some advertising….

2 responses to New toy, or why I shouldn’t be allowed to spend money :-)

  1. Are you serious…?

    have fun with it

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  1. Free Singing For The Lonely Ringtone - July 18, 2006

    Free Singing For The Lonely Ringtone…

    Hear the ringtone of the popular song: Free Singing For The Lonely …