Not happy Bill!

admin —  June 8, 2006 — Leave a comment

Latest news on Microsoft is that Windows XP communicates with Microsoft once a day…yep, basically Microsoft has been secretly spying on computers and hasn’t owned up to it until now.

Personally I’ve got nothing to fear as my two computers running XP (one is XP MCE) both have legit copies (and yes, they are registered as well), but the fact that I’ve paid for this software means that Microsoft shouldn’t be spying on my activities in ANY SHAPE OR FORM.

Robert Scoble has so far been silent on this one, I’ll be interested to read what he has to say if he decides to comment on this, because despite all the good work Microsoft has been doing to clean up its act, it seems that the old, evil guard at Microsoft is still at play.

Now if only I could get an Open Source OS that runs Windows Software…..I’ll have to keep dreaming I guess.
