Obama Rocks

February 6, 2008

This video was released a couple of days back, but in case you missed it

My politics, if I were American, is probably soft Republican with a strong Libertarian bent, and yet every time I see Obama speak I’m overawed. I heard a Republican today on News Radio’s stream of NPR’s Super Tuesday coverage and he said that although he was Republican, he’d vote for Obama because the guy is just awe inspiring. I agree. America needs a change, if not for its own sake, but for that of the world. Although the many American readers of this blog my rightfully suggest that I have no place providing punditry on US politics, I’d remind you that when America sneezes, the whole world gets a cold. America needs new, fiscally responsible leadership so that the whole world can prosper, because when America is prosperous itself, we all benefit, no matter where we live. Pulling US troops out of Iraq and plowing the savings back into the US budget would be a great first step, and Obama promises this. It also helps that Obama is the most tech friendly of the presidential candidates as well. Make a change, and consider making history, you could do far worse, and indeed you have already done so in the last 7 years.

26 responses to Obama Rocks

  1. That video may be masterfully crafted emotional manipulation, but so what? I don’t remember the last time I felt inspired by a politician. It was poignant and beautiful and everything that the Australian federal election wasn’t.

  2. Many of the most horrible dictators in history have been charismatic to the point of inspiring awe. It?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s an effective support winner. I’m sure many will vote based on how their heart strings have been tugged by Obama’s drama. But I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d prefer to read a boring outline of the policy which defines his ideas for “change”, rather than hear him vehemently repeat the word over, and over, and over with just a little more ?¢‚ǨÀúpassion?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ each time.

    This is not to say I’m anti-Obama, he looks to me like a great candidate and I like his policies, but I’m always cautious when politicians feel the need to appeal to voters hearts.

  3. As a Briton my opinion about US politics is just as invalid as yours as an Australian. If another country is pursuing policies you don’t like: tough. Your country can pursue the matter through international diplomacy but that’s it.

  4. Actually, having an opinion about another country’s policies is far from invalid, Jack. Let’s face it, the UK is more in the US’s pocket than Australia is, also. I have every right to have an opinion on how other countries govern themselves, particularly countries that have such a ridiculously strong hold and sway over the rest of the world as the USA does.

    Then again, it’s very easy just to roll over and say “oh well, it’s tough”. Actually, it’s often ordinary people that provoke change, not governments.

  5. One thing that upsets me is how neither of the candidates support same sex marriage , if a person loves another person they should be able to be together if that want to , its not fare to those people and there partner if they can’t get married in a certain amount of states every one should have the same rights and some one needs to stand up for them and i hope it can be Obama.

  6. one thing that i hate about Barrack Obama is that he does not allow same sex marriage! i think that all of you need to go think in a corner for a very long time! thank you


  7. As an American I too truly hope Obama wins! His campaign has been inovative, consistent, and yes inspiring. America needs someone like him more than ever, and yes the rest of the world does to. I think if he gets elected (which it looks like he will) it will instantly give us some of the respect we have lost under Bush in regards to the rest of the world. We can no longer view ourselves as isolationists bet yet have unilateral doings in the world. The world is now inately connected and I know he would work with our allies to resolve issues as opposed to the cowboy diplomacy we have under Bush. Obama is smart, savy, and knows what needs to get done to not only move us forward but the world as well. He really does represent hope for a lot of Americans. McCain on the other hand looks more and more like an angry troll and is archaic to say the least….and God help us if he were to die…..Palin…..is dumber than Bush by far….and that should scare the crap out of us all.

  8. Its a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans pay no income taxes at all. There are several sleight of hands, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of “tax cut.” Its a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans pay no income taxes at all. There are several sleight of hands, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of “tax cut.”

    The problem is that people get comfortable in saying that “anyone who makes more than me should pay more taxes” because it's easy and doesn't affect them. Why on earth would you reward someone who doesn't work (and therefore doesn't pay taxes) with an incentive? Instead, encourage hard work – encourage education – encourage investment. Build the economy – don't carve it up.

    We are talking here about giving money to the same people that the federal government felt should get home loans even though they are not qualified – and that put us in the mess we are in now. Stop coddling those who refuse to do a hard day's work, and start rewarding those who do. That applies across all income levels.

    Europe is going in the toilet and Comrade Obama wants the US to become like that. No way – not by a long shot.

    Obama will also turn democracy and capitalism on it's head, and villainize the affluent and successful in our society, in order to rally the masses behind him. With evangelical zeal Obama will convince his followers to replace reason with hope and belief … to blindly follow him … never challenge him … and embrace his words as gospel. In the real, and unforgiving world of economics however, when you immediately gratify everyone by feasting on the goose that lays the golden eggs, the economy looses it's ability to continue generating growth and wealth. Obama is promising everyone a piece of the pie, whether they helped bake it, or not … but, only in a socialistic, or communist state do the non-contributors demand to share equally in the property that belongs to others. Immediate gratification is like a drug to the malcontents, but in the big picture, every farmer knows that you never eat your seed crop. America will turn into a third world country, with massive government welfare programs, unable to generate jobs for it's citizens, and unable to compete in the global markets.

    I have just recently been able to work my way into this tax bracket. I worked hard to get where I am. I dont feel my hard work should be taken away from my. Why did I work this hard to just give my money to someone who has not earned it or deserve it?
    What gives them the right to say “Oh good job NOW GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE” Let them go out and work. I came from a middle class hard working family and worked my way up from the bottom. No silver spoon in my mouth. They have no right to take what I have earned and give it to someone who has the same opportunities I do but won't take them. Let them earn their own money.


  9. obama suck my cocl and shit

  10. Aidan Shively March 1, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    the problem with Bad's article is your disguising everything too people who haven't worked might mean they're lazy in some cases but I'm not gonna let them starve, no I'm going to help them get back on their feet. Don't put socialism and communism in the same sentence, they're very different. Giving money to rich people dosen't lead us anywhere except a bigger bonus for them. You're forgetting that rich people are asshole. Trickle-down economics don't work. I would prefer to help people with nothing rather then people with everything. The last seven years have been a mess cause of capitalism, cause of Bush's trickle-down policies. and don't tell me that bush was different from other republican policies he is the core value and example of all republican policies. You republicans always say I know let's give a tax cut to the rich! Since they earned it. I'm sorry but we're not rewarding for good behavior in your opinion but we're making sure everyone has what they need it's like this. Mr. President these starving people need food quickly! Bush:nah,they didn't work for it. It's like giving the death penalty for not working and as far as I know the Constitution says not having to work is okay. Giving a tax cut to the poor and raising on the rich is not supposed to be a reward. It's supposed to help the poor get jobs and work again so our economy can prosper and we raise on the rich since they have so much and they should be willing to give some if they're supposedly so helpful for the economy. Your basic message is that tax cuts are rewards and not tools to help the economy or the environment in rare cases.

  11. Aidan Shively March 1, 2009 at 6:17 pm

    Also to add a little bit. Expierence barely matters. Just so long as you know how being the president works which I'm sure obama does lol. But it matters how you feel on the issues. Screw experience

  12. I'm so glad that you don't know how to spell cock you idiot


  14. WOW. “America needs new, fiscally responsible leadership so that the whole world can prosper”.

    Yeah, we needed a fiscally responsible leader. Take a look at our national debt and deficit. In not even 120 days. Look at it.

    You candyass marxists make me sick.

  15. OBAMA FREKINS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY CANT U PEOPLE GET THIS SIMPLE FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. obama sucks

  17. I agree America needs somthing diffrent and when america prospers so does the world. But Obama will not “is not bringing prosperity to america”. Soon the whole world will feel obamas folly

  18. How do you give a tax cut to those whodont pay taxes? Its called wealth redistribution and that IS Socialism. Please show me one example of where socialism has worked.

  19. 8 months later do u still feel the same?

  20. The world is now inately connected and I know he would work with our allies to resolve issues as opposed to the cowboy diplomacy we have under Bush. Obama is smart, savy, and knows what needs to get done to not only move us forward but the world as well.

  21. The world is now inately connected and I know he would work with our allies to resolve issues as opposed to the cowboy diplomacy we have under Bush. Obama is smart, savy, and knows what needs to get done to not only move us forward but the world as well.

  22. The world is now inately connected and I know he would work with our allies to resolve issues as opposed to the cowboy diplomacy we have under Bush. Obama is smart, savy, and knows what needs to get done to not only move us forward but the world as well.

  23. Who? The poor? The poor DO pay taxes, and plenty. No, socialism is not wealth redistribution, socialism points to various economic theories that advocate worker ownership of the means of production, and production for maximization of use values as opposed to exchange/profit value.

    Maybe you are referring to a progressive tax scale, where the rich pay more and the poor pay less, which is really common sense. But that doesn't necessarily have to do with socialism, progressive tax systems are common in a lot of capitalist or modern social democratic [capitalist] societies.

  24. Obama is so Awe inspiring. I love it when he takes all the wealth from all the people that have worked there tail ends to be productive members of this great nation just to give to people who don't ever have to work. Obama you are the man. OH please take my millions too. I just feel too damn guilty with all this money. Could you please take it and give it to lazy ass sleezebags. Oh please big O. Oh by the way, I admire the way you take money just like King John in Robin Hood. O Big O, could you please speed up the take over of America? Remember how Hitler and Stalin did it to their country's? We as Americans would really appreciate it if you would speed up the process. I just cant take being rich anymore. I use to send my money to charity. But not anymore. Because BIG O, you know how to spend it for us. Thank you for enlightening us. Now, I understand. You see, I use to put people to work to make better lives for them and their family's, but you Big O are just soooo enlightened, and you and your elitist know better than all of us put together. I don't have to hire people anymore. Because you Big O have the best economic plan ever. I can see the happy faces on all Americans. See I am smiling : ) Yes Big O I just love drinking you poisonous Koo-laid. It reminds me of Jimmy Jones, you remember him don't you. Can I have some more please Big O. Your greatest admire.

  25. I sure do