Pandora’s Box of music

December 21, 2005

Cant remember where I read about this, but its still none the less cool: Pandora from the Music Genome Project. Basically online radio with a twist: you type in the artist or band you like and they deliver you music from that artist/ band + similar artists/ bands they think you would like. Very nice indeed.

5 responses to Pandora’s Box of music

  1. I was wondering what Pandora was, but was too lazy and busy to look it up. Thanks.

    Lazily and busily yours, steven/vaspers.

  2. Oh yes, of course. How incredibly stupid of me not to see that. Consider me converted to your insight Annabella. And on behalf of the esteemed site operator, we thank you for adding to the conversations here…spammer-bitch!

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Scottish Nous - December 22, 2005

    Pandora Using Local Flash Storage

    By now you’ve surely heard of Pandora, the nifty little radio station that attempts to tailor the music it plays to selected artists or songs. But what you probably didn’t know was that Pandora uses local Flash storage to cache