People don’t like Karma

February 9, 2009

Received an odd email yesterday from someone I hadn’t heard from in years. Someone who out of the blue cut me off despite a once close working relationship.

Turns out that she got a serious dose of karma, and is rather bitter about it. Wrote to me to say as much as well. Very strange person, maybe a cultural difference given she’s originally foreign.

My crime apparently was expressing surprise on another site about her bitterness.

The thing I’m most sad about is how this person happily picked her own personal profit over others, and yet now claims she was dedicated to those very same people.

I guess, and it’s one of my flaws, is that I’ve never been able to balance both. I tend to side in supporting those around me, and it’s often cost me dearly.

I know at least one serious dick with a grudge against me had claimed I have an issue here, but let me say that I sleep well every night, and I didn’t send myself two emails now on the issue; be it I might add, 2 years too late.

None the less, for me it’s an interesting lesson in morals; sometimes you take hard knocks, but karma always balances things out if you always try to do the right things in life.

A lesson well earned.