San Francisco

July 31, 2007

Still recovering today from a bike ride from Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge then back again. About 15 miles, what ever that is in Km I have no idea, but the trip up the hill, wearing RM Williams Moleskins nearly killed me. Amazing the climatic differences in the Bay Area, in the Valley it can be a full 10 degrees warmer than San Francisco, then the bridge is colder again, and there seems to be a never ending amount of fog hogging the coastline. Leaving Wednesday then home Friday.

2 responses to San Francisco

  1. I love Frisco. Eat up your time there. It’s a fantastic place.

    And tip: Don’t ride up Mason St unless you want to die of a heart attack. 😉

  2. hope you stick around till autumn – September and October are San Francisco’s true summer.