Shai visits Tasmania

March 21, 2006

Shai has been to Tasmania. It’s one of the few places in Australia I’ve never been. You know, unlike the rest of the world, going “overseas” is a much bigger deal for Australians. Aside from the fact that it’s whole lot longer to get there, there is a different thought process here. Because we are so big, ok, maybe not as big as Canada, but big none the less, and, I suppose more importantly isolated from much of the rest of the world, travelling for us is a big deal, even if we are talking interstate. Remember it’s something like at 3 day car drive from Melbourne to Perth. And we can’t hop in a car and drive to another country. It’s physically impossible.

For example, it’s a 3 1/2 hour flight from Perth to Bali. It’s the same time to Melbourne. 4 1/2 hours to Sydney, 5 1/2 hours to Brisbane. 5 1/2 hours is the same time it takes to get from Singapore to Perth. It’s longer again if you want to fly routes such as Adeliade-Cairns, or Melbourne-Broome.

Australian’s like to travel, but we’ve got soooooo much to see in our own back yard. The whole new ads are quite amusing, aside from the sad cliched images. You can really experience a bit of everything in Australia. We are that big 🙂

So as they say: where the bloody hell are you 🙂

5 responses to Shai visits Tasmania

  1. Ok, I’ve got to ask at least one Aussie. Are kangaroos really that abundant over there – that they hop right up into your back yards or in front of you while driving?

    My kids and I watched a show on Public Television a few weeks ago and I promised them I would ask a real Aussie.

    What their minds are comparing them to is our Deer.