So peaceful….

June 3, 2010

I’m not completely justifying what the Israel Government did. But likewise, the anti-Israeli media coverage is just beyond amazing. Where is the coverage of the above video on or the Fairfax sites?

The truth is always some where in the middle. I suspect it is here, but you wouldn’t know it from the Australian press

7 responses to So peaceful….

  1. Yes, such chants are disgusting, and yes there are no innocent parties in this centuries old conflict. Everyone has suffered. Everyone has inflicted suffering.

    However, the only way we'll move forward is by not tolerating travesties. No tolerance for rocket raids on Israel. No tolerance for Israeli military excesses.

    Yes it's true that the activists stabbed and beat the Israeli soldiers and that fact deserves to be part of the story that the media tells. However, the far bigger story is the Israeli soldiers (a) stormed a civilian flotilla in international waters, and (b) killed civilians that almost any other military would have subdued in a non-lethal way. In this case, that's the balanced story — the story in which Israel cops most of the immediate blame for the events of the day, and takes it on the chain. The Israeli lobby would have more credibility if it occasionally admitted mistakes.

  2. Its a interesting video share i will discuss this video with my friends.

  3. nice inoformation

  4. Israel is bunch of lies and thief's

  5. June 24, 2010 at 11:58 am

    The media is supporting Israeli Government that is what everyone can see. What Israel, the activists had to stand against it. It is really surprising that the media covered only one sided story.

  6. Israel is bunch of lies and thief's n yes some said here correct here that media is jst sporting one side…..!!! they are not doin it well…. that they should do… they are supporting Israel… 🙁 This is really not gud….!!!

    n why the do this kind of things… why they want War always… This is the Period of Dialogue…. if they hav some with Palestine then they should make Dialogue n make some commitment with them…!! this is better way….!!!