Is there anything David Krug won’t sell?
Email in my inbox this morning (my time, +8GMT) letting me know that Splashpress Media has acquired 901am. Minin Rivera, ex-Editor of The Blogging Times has taken the Editor position.
Congrats to all involved.
I’m starting to become convinced that I must be psychic: I was only looking at domain names yesterday for a Web 2.0 focused site. Having said that I’ve made no decision as to whether I will continue there, particularly given my history with the new owners, and the tone they’ve taken with me so far on the acquisition (not bad, just formal).
Spot Question though: is there anything Splashpress hasn’t bought? 🙂
Dude, looking for somewhere to write on web 2.0? Contact me about the site linked to this comment, if you’re interested 😉
Well, I hope value wasn’t based on – page views! 🙂 Good for Splashpress I guess. Pretty soon we’ll need a flowchart for them too! Do you think they need a bunch of pet blogs? ;p haha .
Seems like spring cleaning around the ‘net.
Well, they haven’t bought Syntagma Digital Ltd. yet, Duncan. If Mark’s interested, there’s a rolling BIN price of 1M USD. 😉
Well so much for They have already started crapping it up with their advertising. First Blog Herald, now 901am . . . there are no good blogging/new media sites left anymore. Terrible, just terrible. I hope Krug gets better soon and launches a new site – perhaps. If I could think of a good domain, I would start one myself.
I got an invitation via email to continue blogging there – then tried to access my account and found out that it was disabled.
ok, i went and about New Media – hopefully coming soon to a blog near you.
Yeah, I was a bit shocked by the sudden-ness of this sale–I could swear David said he didn’t want to sell it this soon. And I know he’s been unreachable to everyone these last few weeks due to being sick, so I can’t imagine how the deal went through at all. Very odd.
901pm is a good idea Tony 🙂 –David does own the domain for 901pm, so perhaps when he gets back in the saddle he can launch a new site that picks up where he left off with 901am.
Yeah, now points to so hopefully thats his idea. I just hope he gets well soon. is redirecting to a parked GoDaddy page now. hmm
Yes, somehow when had the server change, and David’s personal site disappeared. Now they’re both reflecting parked pages. He was using as the website for his and Thord’s consulting business of the same name.
I don’t know how all David’s own sites disappeared, but hopefully he’ll be back soon to get everything straightened out.
901am will definitely be less interesting without his input, and a lot less interesting if Duncan also decides not to write there 🙂 . I won’t be writing on 901am anymore, but when David starts his new site (I’m just assuming that he will 🙂 ) then I’d love to write for that. He’s a great editor cuz he gives his bloggers total freedom.
David Krug is a great character with a shred eye for an opportunity. But he’s a grasshopper. You can never pin him down. Let’s hope he settles to something one day. 😉
That should be “shrewd eye”, although “shred eye” has a certain logic. 😉
Wow – check out now – crapped up already. Are they trying to make it like used to be or like I can’t tell – but its still looks like crap now. 901am had a very simple and elegant design, and now its ugly.
Yeah, Tony–It hurts my eyes to look at it now. Yikes! 🙂
Still wondering how Splashpress acquired 901am in David’s absence.
I asked a couple folks on their team who will remain nameless when they had contact with David, and they said they hadn’t had contact and had no idea how to reach him.
So, how does one negotiate a deal for buying a site without communicating with the site owner?
Part of me wonders if David is aware that this deal went through last week. The way they’ve presented this sale is kind of sketchy and seems to generate more questions than it answers.