State of the (Australian) Union c/- Crikey

May 8, 2008

Finally a brilliant opening from Crikey to justify my (again renewed) 2 year subscription

Things seem to going along nicely.

In Western Australia the government has clawed its way through a crony-strewn corruption inquiry that seemed to implicate half the cabinet.

Now, thus rejuvenated, it is facing down an opposition led by a creep who can?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t finish a meeting with advisors without either tweaking their underwear or dry humping the furniture.

In Tasmania the government seems to see its primary function as the delivery of aged eucalypt logs to the monopoly supplier of cardboard noodle boxes to the Koreans.

In Queensland appalling infrastructure planning has led to level 12 water restrictions in the wettest state in the federation and a health service apparently populated by suspected terrorists and subcontinental sociopaths.

South Australia? Whatever. Just as long as we keep the writers’ festival and the V8 supercars.

In New South Wales the premier is apparently convinced that he actually holds authority thanks to the divine right of kings, an impression long shared by his planning minister.

In Victoria everything should be fine as soon as the government finds a way for monetising the TV rights to gangland murder.

Honestly, we?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢re a model.

3 responses to State of the (Australian) Union c/- Crikey

  1. Duncan, One of the Best Posts, you have written in a Bloody Long time…..

    The Liberal Party is an Absolute Joke, that is a primary reason, incompetent governments get away with rubbish…

    Take my home state NSW, for example…Barry O Farrel, had a real chance to wedge Iemma and Costa, by not supporting electricity privatisation…Yet being the simpleton that he was…he folded…

    BTW, have not been around for a while, like the one the joint looks, and best of luck with the new Venture…

  2. And I suppose that the NT doesn’t exist 😉

  3. Actually, on second thoughts, the absence of Terry Mills from this list is a blessing.