Techmeme fails the tech community again

August 2, 2008

I don’t know why I still care. I guess that some small part of me still believes that perhaps Gabe is interested in impartial news and tracking the big stories as opposed to just TechCrunch. However tonight (my time) proves once again how Techmeme is failing the tech community.

As I write this, at 9pm AEST, or 4am PDT Saturday, the biggest story by far in the tech and blogging community is Site Meter enabled sites blocking Internet Explorer users. I don’t use Site Meter, but many do, including the Gawker Media blogs. The Inquisitr had it first and others followed. Here’s the state of play as I write this. Note that both Wired and Mashable have the story, and Mashable links to The Inquisitr.

sitemeter - Google News

Google Blog search has even more blogs

sitemeter - Google Blog Search

And yet Techmeme has nothing. If it isn’t on TechCrunch, it isn’t news. And you can include Mashable and Wired in the not counting list


a close up of the most recent stories


I know, false hope.

9 responses to Techmeme fails the tech community again

  1. Techmeme is not the Techmeme that we used to know anymore. It is now the feeding ground of the A-List's bloated egos. It has a wall that only them can play.

  2. Left on your FriendFeed post as well. The story is on TechMeme now:

  3. And people wonder why I don't follow Techmeme… It's nothing but garbage from Techcrunch, and since I follow them, might as well not have both.

  4. Why are you worried about techmeme ? just stop writing and posting about it. If your blog is good (which it is) people will find it and read it. Let arrington focus on techmeme and lofty valuations for a sale and then a vacation to Hawaii

  5. How much traffic do you think you are missing? I have heard both positive and negatives about being listed but would be interested to see what the real numbers are.

  6. How much traffic do you think you are missing? I have heard both positive and negatives about being listed but would be interested to see what the real numbers are.

  7. How much traffic do you think you are missing? I have heard both positive and negatives about being listed but would be interested to see what the real numbers are.

  8. your blog is very well!http://www.factorycoachoutlets

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  1. Site Meter fails to allow page viewing in Internet Explorer 7 » Make You Go Hmm - August 2, 2008

    […] this morning which pointed to a post by him saying the lack of this important story showing up on TechMeme has a bias .  Duncan is miffed because his publication The Inquisitr broke the story and despite several […]