This is fucking hillarious

October 23, 2006

Scoble reports that Tim Bray of Sun fame is in strife after dropping the f word.

OK, so sometimes even humble I self censor myself here at at times, after all you never really want to offend people too much, however sometimes there really is no reasonable alternative to using fuck, or even fucking when your trying to describe somethings, no matter what the do gooders might suggest. There’s some uniquely strong about the use of the word. And here’s another thing: isn’t blogging suppose to be about reflecting our thoughts without censorship, about being honest and open?

When I think about my everyday interactions with people, the f word is in common usage, and it has been really for generations, indeed even baby boomers use it (although admitedly their parents didn’t). Sure, there are some bounds to reasonable taste, for example I’d never use the c word on this blog, and it’s not something that I’d use regularly in everyday speach either (although she who must be obeyed has dropped it on occasions..but again to make a point, after all, some people really can be c’s), but for one man who is passionate about what he’s talking about, to say that it’s fucking cool shouldn’t really be cause for morality based attacks from others. I’m rooting for you Tim, and I’m sure a fucking lot of other people are as well. 🙂


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3 responses to This is fucking hillarious

  1. What a bunch of uptight twats. Fuck that shit.


  2. Fuck. I used the F Word.