Top 100 Australian Blogs

April 11, 2007

Got an email from Craig Harper today, a Melbourne based blogger and motivational speaker, he’s set up a rather nifty blog roll of Australia’s top 100 bloggers based on Technorati Rank (right side bar). Apparently comes in at #22. Given that my motto at is “I couldn’t care less what I post and when” I’ve got to say I’m a little impressed, god help me if I was actually trying here, and not dumping my good stuff at 901am :-), but I also have this thought, if I’m #22 then it’s a sorry state of affairs in Australia, particularly given that I’m not even trying here. Maybe I should try harder…or try full stop? and yet that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun! Maybe I need a new outlet? Food for thought.

7 responses to Top 100 Australian Blogs

  1. Duncan, there’s always an outlet for you at Syntagma Digital. 😉

  2. Hmm. One blog that I have, which I posted there maybe two or three times a month, has technorati rank of around 28,000, which should put me on the top 100. I wonder how a blog is determined “Australian”. With .au domain? Tagged Australia? None of the top 5 has them…

    But I guess if there is a way to filter out all the Australian blogs on Technorati, I won’t be in the top 100 either…

  3. G’day, is Australian Blog.

    Thank you

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. The top 100 Most Popular Australian Blogs « Dipping into the Blogpond - April 12, 2007

    […] The top 100 Most Popular Australian Blogs So Craig Harper, without any fanfare (except for a post on Duncan Riley’s blog) has silently added a “Top 100 Australian Bloggers List” (based on Technorati rankings) to the sidebar of his home page. […]

  2. Better Communication Results - April 13, 2007

    […] Tip of the Akubra to Paull Young (currently reclining at number 62) who pointed me at Duncan’s post on this. […]

  3. Top Australian Blogs | SYP - April 18, 2007

    […] What I had issue with is, what makes a blog as “Australian”? As I have commented on Duncan Riley’s blog, it might not be that trivial to determine. Because it is hosted on servers in Australia? Because it has .au ccTLD? Because it is written by an Australian? Because it is written for Australian audiences? It is nice to have a clearly defined formula to calculate the ranking, but I think it would also be nice to have a clear defined guideline on how an “Australian blog” is defined. […]

  4. Dipping into the Blogpond » The top 100 Most Popular Australian Blogs - June 5, 2007

    […] So Craig Harper, without any fanfare (except for a post on Duncan Riley’s blog) has silently added a “Top 100 Australian Bloggers List” (based on Technorati rankings) to the sidebar of his home page. […]