
May 26, 2008

This post needs to be at the top of Techmeme. That is all.

13 responses to Twitter!

  1. I laughed, I cried. And now I'll tweet.

  2. Well done. Animoto!

  3. Hutch Carpenter May 25, 2008 at 10:09 pm

    Man, the pros know how to play Techmeme like a fiddle.

  4. Being terribly blond here- just don't get it or don't appreciate it

  5. i loved this too… this is the personality in action, and the appeal of the site

  6. The techcrunch post is on techmeme now – yes, the blank post from techcrunch simply titled “Twitter!”. I think Michael Arrington is trying to prove a point as Hutch said above.

  7. This was amazing how many people responded humorously to a one word post meant as a joke. Some of them were very funny.

    Thanks for the post,

  8. Who knew you were so talented? But then, with Twitter going down so often, you maybe have more time on your hands?

    Still… most cool.

  9. Who knew you were so talented? But then, with Twitter going down so often, you maybe have more time on your hands?

    Still… most cool.

  10. Who knew you were so talented? But then, with Twitter going down so often, you maybe have more time on your hands?

    Still… most cool.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1.   TWITTER! by (jeff) - May 26, 2008

    […] and while I am here with twitter on the mind check out this video labelled Twitter Fail created by Duncan Riley – Good […]

  2. Twitter! - Sean Percival's Blog - May 26, 2008

    […] you read just ONE twitter post this year, make sure its this one! ok, and maybe this one […]