Ustream Help

July 5, 2007

I need some help. Loren Feldman from 1938 media has tried (thanks BTW to Loren) but it still doesn’t work.

Short story: I can’t view Ustream streams on my Mac Pro. I get maybe 2 seconds and that is it, in both Firefox and Safari. Revver videos also don’t work but I’m not sure if that is related. YouTube videos on the other hand work better than on my ex-PC.

I’ve got Flash and Java installed and working, and at this stage I’m totally lost. I love Ustream, and I’m missing tuning in to Chris Pirillo’s live stream in particular. If I eventually do a podcast, I’ll insist that Chris is my first guest 🙂

If anyone has any ideas, please leave a comment.

4 responses to Ustream Help

  1. Duncan,

    We can’t have you missing out on your Ustream fix! Our team will investigate and try to help.

    Chris Yeh
    CEO, Ustream.TV

  2. No problems here with the above live stream on a MacBook Pro using both Safari and Firefox. Possible differences between our systems include:

    1. I’m running J2SE 5.0 as default. Can’t remember if I modified the settings manually as the release notes suggest (I know I did on the recently disposed of PowerBook) but at least the address to the settings preference pane will allow you to discover if you’re running 1.4.2. It may be that the below suggestion results in the settings being updated automatically.

    2. I’m running Safari beta 3. One thing I’ve noticed with Apple is that Java capabilities tend to updated along with the browser and said capabilities apply across the operating system. So, when not using the beta (i.e. Safari 2.0.1) I tended to run into Java functionality problems – mainly in the form of links (i.e. the first click on a pop-up link would work but not thereafter unless I hit refresh). Since installing the browser I’ve noticed much better Javascript functionality.

    Other than that, the only thing I can think of is that I have Shockwave installed as well. Hope this helps.

  3. Sorry – relevant J2SE 5.0 link I should have included above.

  4. I second Steve’s comments with respect to Safari. If you’re still using Safari 2, I would try upgrading to Safari 3 beta.

    I have been having a lot better luck with streaming videos, and other java functionality, on Safari 3 beta than I was with Safari 2. My experience has been so far that Safari 3 is very solid.