Wallstrip/ CBS buy confirmed

May 22, 2007

Looks like the post I made on TechCrunch March 13 about CBS acquiring Wallstrip is confirmed. Thanks to my “source close to the deal” for giving me a heads up on it, you know who you are but would like to thank you none the less. Dollars aren’t publicly confirmed at this stage but given my source + Jossips I’m confident the $5m was correct.

4 responses to Wallstrip/ CBS buy confirmed

  1. I love this story, someone I consider one of the good guys scoring a win. Looks like Howard’s faith in this crazy blogging medium has been rewarded.

  2. Oh, I did a bit more reading since leaving my comment and is seems you and Howard may be on each others’ shit lists. In case it looks that way, I definitely wasn’t having a dig or trying to stir anything up.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Wallstrip Acquired by CBS - Is There Money in Blogging? : The Last Podcast - May 22, 2007

    […] Here are some other takes on this story: Social Media Club, A VC, Digital Inspiration, CNET News.com and duncanriley.com […]

  2. CBS buys Howard Lindzon’s brain » mathewingram.com/work - May 22, 2007

    […] Okay, CBS didn’t buy Howard Lindzon’s brain — but it is paying a substantial sum (how substantial is still up for debate, since the original report of $5-million has apparently been denied) for what he helped to create with Wallstrip, the daily video-blog on Wall Street and finance hosted by the lovely and talented Lindsay Campbell. And apart from what appears to be some lingering bad blood between Howard and Duncan Riley — who has written about it for TechCrunch and 901am, as well as his own blog — I think most people are happy to see Howard do well. He took a chance with Wallstrip, and it has paid off. And according to Fred Wilson’s post about the deal, CBS is not acquiring Wallstrip just for Lindsay (as Duncan has suggested) but for the expertise in developing and distributing online video, which is something CBS really needs to figure out. In any case, congrats to Howard and the team. cbs, video, wallstrip | Share This | Related links […]