Welcome to Autumn

March 1, 2006

I just noticed it’s the 1st of March. What happened to summer? Sure, a couple of hot days, and a did spend an hour swimming yesterday at the beach (it was mighty fine I’d add), but now it starts to get cold! WTF??? weird summer, weird year 🙂

6 responses to Welcome to Autumn

  1. we hit 81 yesterday. riding the bike was nice

  2. Well, Spring here and one month to the day for the wedding. Holy crap!

  3. We’ve got the coldest early spring in years. It’s snowing like mad outside with more to come. Still, summer-is-acomin’-in. 🙂

  4. Hi,

    I need a quick heads up on the interest rate increase and adjustable rate mortgages since I have one and am not sure what to do. Refinancing to a fixed rate mortgage is really gonna be a hardship on my family at the moment, but I’m afraid if I don’t bite the bullet and do it now, it’s only going to get worse. Anybody have any ideas what’s the best way to go at the moment?

    Thanks for your help

  5. If you can pay extra off your mortgage balance each month without penalty – pay the difference between the fixed rate and the adjustable rate.

    You’ll get used to it, and will not have further problems unless the adjustable rate goes past the rate you could have fixed at.

    Plus your mortgage balance will reduce much quicker.

    If you’re really worried – fix now