What To Broadcast About?

April 11, 2008

(language warning for video)

So I’ve been playing with Live streaming services and I want to do something more regular, but not 100% on what. I love what Chris Pirillo does, but the subject matter is a little tame for me. Open to suggestions, on topic, format and even streaming service of choice.

Note I recorded the video above directly to YouTube, hence the quality is shite. I picked up a $100 Mac compatible webcam on skype the other week and the quality is easily twice as good as the overly expensive with backstory iSight I bought last year, and it looks nothing like this.

3 responses to What To Broadcast About?

  1. you can broadcast anything, big or small, stupid or smart – and have me be a loyal follower, if…

    you do it while wearing a khaki Aussie Safari shirt, hat – and hold and point with a boomerang…while you make and stress points.

    lol, really.

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  1. Duncan Riley asks What To Broadcast About? « Tech Ticker - April 12, 2008

    […] Riley asks What To Broadcast About? In a post on his blog yesterday (”What To Broadcast About?“), Duncan Riley sent out an open request for feedback on an idea he’s been musing upon, […]

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