While Our Government Drags Its Feet on 24mbs, Japan….

February 24, 2008

…launches an experimental satellite that will provide internet speeds upto 1.2gb/s (1200mb/s)


Japan launched a rocket Saturday carrying a satellite that will test new technology that promises to deliver “super high-speed Internet” service to homes and businesses around the world. art.japansat.ap.jpg

If the technology proves successful, subscribers with small dishes will connect to the Internet at speeds many times faster than what is now available over residential cable or DSL services.

The Associated Press said the satellite would offer speeds of up to 1.2 gigabytes per second.

The service initially would focus on the Asia-Pacific region close to Japan, a JAXA news release said.

“Among other uses, this will make possible great advances in telemedicine, which will bring high-quality medical treatment to remote areas, and in distance education, connecting students and teachers separated by great distances,” JAXA said.

5 responses to While Our Government Drags Its Feet on 24mbs, Japan….

  1. Duncan, please do speculate on what you think residential access will cost and when you assume other parts of the world will have always on connectivity… this satellite is awesome and I don’t think enough talk is happening.. hehe

  2. Matt
    I’ve been told 100mbps unlimited access in Hong Kong sells for about $29.95/ mth. I’m thinking this would be more, but it will still probably be less that Telstra ADSL 2 (or even 8mb ADSL 1) 🙂

  3. Japan was a little bit slow with the internet in government and business, but soon they will be world leaders with South Korea and China. Telstra ADSL what a joke.

  4. Satellite broadcaster BSkyB is planning to launch an attack on the home phone market with an internet telephony service, according to a newspaper report. Satellite Internet Service

  5. When the world passes us (USA) by, we won’t have the Internet connection speed to notice it for some time.