Wii for a workout

December 7, 2006 — 3 Comments

OK, my second post on what will be probably plenty on the Nintendo Wii, if you’re not interested by all means tune out, but I like to share this stuff. Indeed, the only time I can’t share things is where there’s a legal agreement saying I can’t 🙂

Anyhow, just saw another benefit from the Wii, and that’s as a workout. Played a 3 round match of Wii Boxing, and as I type this the swear is literally dripping from me (ok, so it’s hot here, but I have got a AC on full). It literally was a workout. Throwing your arms around in the air does that. I won in the third 30 seconds in with a KO. Wii really does have the potential to throw the hole couch potato generation on its head, you’ve got to be standing to play some of these games, and in the case of Boxing you’ve really got to be moving, and quick. Sure, it might not be as many calories as a bike ride or a walk, but it’s a vast improvement over sitting on a couch.

