YouTube’s geotargeting beyond sucks

November 6, 2008

So I was trying to view a post on the YouTube blog tonight here. Simple exercise you might thing, but YouTube has decided that any time I visit it, on ANY browser (so it’s not cookie related), I should be redirected to YouTube Australia. No major deal with video content, given the swap out is just “au” instead of “www” in the URL. But here’s the REALLY dumb thing. When I try to visit the official YouTube blog, it redirects to the “official YouTube Australia blog” which doesn’t show the same content as the US site, so the URL comes up a COMPLETE BLANK. The only way I could view the post is via a proxy.

Georetardation is bad enough, but this is even more beyond a joke. Youtbe FAIL.

7 responses to YouTube’s geotargeting beyond sucks

  1. Next to the YouTube logo (top left) there should be links (Australia | English). Click Australia then choose Worldwide. Problem solvered.

  2. This is a great advice, I tried it and got the success, thanks for the advice skribe!

  3. Nice post, yeah I think it should have an option on where to direct the link.

  4. Nice post, yeah I think it should have an option on where to direct the link.

  5. Nice post, yeah I think it should have an option on where to direct the link.

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  1. Google Rank: 40 | Developing OTFA - November 6, 2008

    […] YouTube’s geotargeting beyond sucks […]

  2. Memo to online companies: Please Stop Georedirecting - November 24, 2008

    […] worst offender is Google. I wrote on my personal blog at the beginning of November about my disgust with YouTube redirects. Mostly it’s not a big issue; if I try to visit a […]