Blog Explosion for Sale

March 7, 2006

And people though The Blog Herald was a big sale! Check this out.

– BE is approaching 50,000 members
– We have served 22 million visits via surfing blogs and millions of others across the site
– BE signs up on average 100-150 new members per day
– BlogExplosion has over 1 million listings in Google
– We are ranked #4714 on Alexa and trending in the right direction

Any guesses on numbers? I’m guessing $250k. There’s no mention of revenue though so if they aren’t makeing say $10k a month expect less, although a db of 50k would have to be worth, at a minimum, of $3-$4 per subscriber….

2 responses to Blog Explosion for Sale

  1. Duncan, their income is around $4000 per month (see report in Syntagma). The traffic exchange business seems to have peaked anyway, hardly justifying the huge amount of work these two guys put into what has become a kind of fairground portal of bloggy games.

    My guess is that they should have got out a year ago. Since then, a number of blog traffic exchanges seem to have bitten the dust.