BlogDesk updates

May 6, 2007

New version of Blogdesk out. It’s a bug fix and where as I was having some issues posting to some blogs before, the new version works a treat.

I’ve been using it for over 18 months now, and I still love it, mind you in this time I’m sure someone somewhere must have implemented inline copy and paste image handling, resizing and saving into a blogging tool: if anyone can recommend anything I’m happy to take a look.

2 responses to BlogDesk updates

  1. I’ve been using Blogdesk for the past 6 months and can’t believe I didn’t switch sooner. I’ve gotten quite a few people hooked on it as well and “paid” Johannes a little bit for the software to encourage him to keep developing it. I hope others will do the same!

  2. I have never tried BlogDesk, but I have tried just about every other tool I can get my hands on and I really like Windows Live Writer: (and yes, it does the whole image resize/newMediaObject thing).
