Archives For General

I finally have some dates booked for August.

I’ll be in Seattle for my first ever Gnomedex from the afternoon of August 18 through to August 25. I’ll be in Los Angeles from the afternoon of August 25 until late night August 27.

Why the stopoever? Did you know Qantas allows one free stopover if you do a US booking? I’d read it before when making bookings but I could never work out how to book one…now I did. I picked LA because I’ve never been there aside from the airport to and from Vegas. The other two choices were Hawaii or Vancover…I know, LA is an odd choice, but you’ve got to do it once.

If anyone wants a meet up when I’m in Seattle let me know. I plan on playing tourist for at least 1 day in LA, but I hopefully will get to meet up with a few people (yes Sean Percival, I’m thinking of you) as well for the short time I’m there. I might even have to rock up at Mahalo for a tour! 🙂

Update: I should have added, tickets are still available for Gnomedex here. Attendees list also on the same page, great list of people, most I’ve never met.

Microsoft Mix Remixed

admin —  May 28, 2008 — Leave a comment

It’s interesting that Animoto chose to show Ballmer during the low point in the song 🙂

Finally a brilliant opening from Crikey to justify my (again renewed) 2 year subscription

Things seem to going along nicely.

In Western Australia the government has clawed its way through a crony-strewn corruption inquiry that seemed to implicate half the cabinet.

Now, thus rejuvenated, it is facing down an opposition led by a creep who can?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t finish a meeting with advisors without either tweaking their underwear or dry humping the furniture.

In Tasmania the government seems to see its primary function as the delivery of aged eucalypt logs to the monopoly supplier of cardboard noodle boxes to the Koreans.

In Queensland appalling infrastructure planning has led to level 12 water restrictions in the wettest state in the federation and a health service apparently populated by suspected terrorists and subcontinental sociopaths.

South Australia? Whatever. Just as long as we keep the writers’ festival and the V8 supercars.

In New South Wales the premier is apparently convinced that he actually holds authority thanks to the divine right of kings, an impression long shared by his planning minister.

In Victoria everything should be fine as soon as the government finds a way for monetising the TV rights to gangland murder.

Honestly, we?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢re a model.

I’ve had a lot of questions following yesterdays announcement, and I’ve tried to respond to all of them where I can (the direct ones anyway, haven’t worked through the comments yet). Ed Sutherland at Problogging News wanted to interview me so I responded to his questions; there was a slightly odd angle but I never gave it a second though, and it resulted in this post.

I’m don’t hate it, but his angle seems to be trying to whip up some scandal or controversy where there really isn’t one.

For the record here’s my actual responses to Ed, you’d note the how the full response wasn’t used and instead bits were picked: fair call I guess reporting wise.

Hi Duncan,

Since you’ve left TC, I had a few questions for a piece I’m writing at PBN.

Michael Arrington kiddingly said Inquistr will compete with TC – will it? Or, do TC bloggers agree to some sort of non-compete?

He was joking. Only completely insane people think they can compete with TC, besides that the site isn’t strictly tech, it’s pop culture and odd/ funny stories as well. I was essentially a contractor as opposed to an employee, so no, I’ve never signed a non-compete, the full time staff may have non-competes, to be honest I don’t know.

Do you know who will fill your shoes at TC? Schonfeld is the most recent addition, but Arrington and a few other bloggers are writing there now.

Jason Kincaid started just before I tendered my resignation a month ago, he’s young and still a little raw but he has a lot of potential. I’m not sure what Michael’s plans are in terms of hiring someone else: when I started I was the only f/t writer besides Michael (Nick Gonzales did write, but he also did tech/ coding for TC as well), and now there’s Mark, Jason and Erick, and a couple of occasional guest writers (including me).

Is TC like Gawker in that there is base pay plus advances based on traffic bloggers generate?
Not at all. I was always paid a flat rate per month irrespective of the traffic. There’s obviously a culture that encourages success, be that with traffic, Digg mentions, Techmeme, even Yahoo Buzz and Yahoo itself (I managed a story on the front page of Yahoo once, insane). Michael has always had a strong emphasis on quality and originality: sure, the site covers major news that others are covering, but if you watch it carefully you’ll see it still covers startups other people haven’t covered, it still covers funding announcements first, and it still breaks a lot of news.

I’ve been watching the whole Troy Buswell, chair sniffing scandal from afar, having left WA in February.

For those not familiar with the story, WA Liberal leader Troy Buswell, having managed to become party leader last year despite a “bra-snapping” scandal, was exposed as a chair sniffer. The short version is that Troy apparently sniffed the chair of a female staffer, then apparently crawled around on the floor, all while completely sober.

I’ve met Troy, his wife, his family, even been to his house. She who must be obeyed helped Troy roll the sitting member for Vasse a couple of years back so he could enter Parliament.

Troy would be one of the most talented politicians I’ve ever seen speak, and I’ve seen a bloody lot during my time in politics, including even Clinton back in 96 and William Hague in 98. His ability to capture an audience has always been first class, and as the record shows much of his rise to the leadership was off the back of his stellar parliamentary performances.

But there was always a dark side to Troy. We learnt very early on that his ambition and greed for power were unfortunately his overwhelming driver. He slowly turned on or failed to support those who had supported him along the way. Over time my opinion of him diminished significantly, from one of awe and deep respect to one of disgust. They say loyalty means nothing in politics, but in my experience good politicians remain true to their base, and never forget those who helped them along the way.

So today, in Perth, probably by the time you read this (I’ll update the post later) Troy is facing a spill in the party room. He claims that he still has the numbers and he will live on. Even in political death, Troy has once again shown that his lust for power and position is more powerful than honour and doing the right thing.

The right thing is that Troy should resign.

Imagine the 2009 WA election campaign with the Opposition being headed up by Troy Buswell. Imagine the fun the Labor Party will have with chair sniffing attack ads. Here’s the key: the bra-snapping might have been a drunken lark, but chair sniffing is down right creepy and the people of WA will know that. More importantly female voters en-masse will flock to the ALP when presented with a creepy chair sniffer as the alternative Premier of the State. Simply Troy is now tarnished goods, and there is absolutely no amount of spin that can save him in the eyes of the electorate.

Of course the alternative Liberal Leader is a rather interesting choice: Steve Thomas, the vet from Donnybrook. I thought he was an awful candidate for the seat of Capel, but much to the surprise of many in the South West he’s worked extremely hard and actually turned out to be a really good, honest hard working member of Parliament. But there are Skeletons in his closet as well, no chair sniffing incidents that I’m aware of, but lets just say Steve on the piss is one of the more interesting things I’ve seen in my life. Having said that hard drinking is a badge of honour in WA, if and when the stories come out they’ll probably help give him a boost in the polls.

Anzac Day 2008

admin —  April 25, 2008 — Leave a comment

Anthem for Doomed Youth

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries for them from prayers or bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, –
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.

What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of good-byes.
The pallor of girls’ brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of silent minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing down of blinds

Wilfred Owen.

New on this week

admin —  April 18, 2008 — 3 Comments

Nearly a week in and slowly getting the hang of things, might try some higher-rez stuff next week. In case you haven’t dropped by yet, I’ve devised a cure for cancer and bought peace to the world….or not.

Hangover Cures
Open Source
Canvas for WordPress
Blockbuster & Circuit City

To subscribe, click here, and if you want me to answer your questions on absolutely anything, drop me an email to duncan @

It’s Alive

admin —  April 14, 2008 — 2 Comments

I still haven’t settled on the exact format, and I’m going to mix it up, but thought I should at least come out swinging a little.

Visuals on Ustream aren’t great once you download the thing then syndicate them out, might switch to quicktime or even my video camera instead of sticking with a recorded live stream,?Ǭ† we’ll see how things go. This is still an experiment at this stage, some where along the line something might work well 🙂

New template, lots of bugs

admin —  April 14, 2008 — 2 Comments

It’s been a year since I’ve last updated this site, so it’s time for a new look. At the time of writing I’m still working on it, the blogroll is still very dead (as it was on the last template), and I’m still tweaking colors etc from the original template, but getting there. Apologies if this looks odd for you at the moment.

I’ve purchased a ticket for this years Gnomedex in Seattle, my first. Buggered if I know how I’ll get there, the airfare will work itself out in the coming months, they always do. Just a shame Virgin doesn’t start the pacific route till October, finally some competition on Qantas’ cash cow route.

The occasion coincided with this response to my earlier what to broadcast about video from Chris Pirillo. Perhaps my calling may be in surprise humour? 🙂 (language warning)