Archives For Sport

Watch the World Cup in Ascii

admin —  June 14, 2006 — 1 Comment

There’s nothing quite like watching the World Cup live via Telnet and rendered in Ascii 🙂

(via el Reg)



admin —  June 12, 2006 — 8 Comments

The Score says it all:

Australia 3 v Japan 1


Next stop: Brazil.

Now that’s a Six Pack

admin —  March 21, 2006 — 1 Comment

Yikes. Australian runner Sarah Jamieson, who got a Silver in the 1500m at the Commonwealth Games. It’s the first event I actually watched at the games on TV. I’d decided to have a break from the computer tonight. It lasted about 20 minutes.

The race though was quite entertaining. The hype before hand was that Australia had never won a medal in this event. But I just couldn’t get over Jamieson’s Six pack while watching it. The English girl who won the event looked nothing like this. Indeed, none of the other girls did. My wife rang me (she’s away for work at the moment) after the race and asked me whether I’d seen the six pack on Jamieson. I’d love to have a six pack like that 🙂 As for Jamieson, she’d be an interesting girl to know. Let’s just say she’d be quite dominant in any relationship I’d think.

(photo credit: the front page of The Age.)

What more can I say, that YOU BLOODY RIPPER!!!! I watched the penalty shoot out, it was Soccer at its best, and for the first time in my entire lifetime (the last time Australia went to the world cup was 74, I was born in 75) we have made the WORLD CUP! YOU BEAUTY!!!!!!

SMH coverage here

The demise of the great white hope

admin —  August 17, 2004

One of the images that struck me in the lead up to the Olympics is US swimmer Michael Phelps telling the word that he would be winning 8 gold medals at the Olympics in a fashion that can only be described as arrogant to the max. He was going to win everything he competed him. 3 events down, 1 Gold medal. Beaten by Ian Thorpe over 200m. Thorpe himself has now one 2 from 2. The difference is telling: Thorpe, the model of honest modesty with style, stated before hand that he would endeavour to do his best and made no promises of Olympic Gold.
Big words do not always make for big action.

Im watching far too much olympics at the moment and not enough time blogging, if the Blog Herald is a little short in the next two weeks you’ll know why. One thing strikes me though, with the exception of the Swimming, the stands at ALL the other events are nearly completely empty. In Sydney you couldn’t get into the Greko-Roman wrestling heats let alone a decent event, but the Greeks seem to be watching at home and not on site. Bizarre